The Pink Ink

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How to refine your mindset as a digital planner business owner

You're a busy person. Between balancing the responsibilities of your personal life and running a digital planner business, life can get pretty crazy. One of the best things you can do to maintain a positive attitude is mindset work. A strong business mindset can help you overcome difficulties and format new ideas so you can continue to move your business forwards. So how can you refine your mindset as a digital planner business owner? 

First of all, we need to establish what our mindset even is

What is mindset? 

Your mindset is your mental attitude, it's the natural beliefs and way of thinking that you use in each situation you encounter. All of us have positive mindset traits that help us in difficult situations, but sometimes there can be stubborn limiting beliefs that can get in our way. 

So what are limiting beliefs? They are thoughts and opinions that we believe to be facts that hold us back from our potential. They can come in any form from our past experiences, the way we think, or the things that scare us. When we hit a roadblock in business, limiting beliefs can be the wall that stands in-between where we are now and the goals we want to accomplish. Some common limiting beliefs can be... 

  • Imposter syndrome 

  • Perfectionism 

  • Scarcity mindset 

These three limiting beliefs can affect both your personal life and your business. Let's talk about each in more detail - we'll talk about how they can impact our life and how we can heal our limiting beliefs. 

Imposter Syndrome

What is it? 

Imposter syndrome is a limiting belief that tells us that we aren't good enough. It's feeling like you are a fraud and aren't capable of reaching your potential.

How can it affect us? 

Oftentimes, imposter syndrome affects entrepreneurs and makes us think that our ideas aren't good enough and that we can't complete what we've set out to do. It can be caused by watching the success of others, burnout, and our own mindset. 

What can we do?

Overcoming imposter syndrome is difficult, it can even feel impossible! So how can you do it? To start with, take some time to reflect and separate your feelings from the facts. To do this, ask yourself questions like...

  • What have you accomplished?

  • What is making you feel down? 

  • Are these feelings realistic? 

Once you've answered these questions, you'll be able to understand both the facts and how they're affecting you personally. Now it's important to focus on the positive. Go back and read the positive reviews past customers have left on your shop, look at the products you've created, and look at the engagement you receive when you market your business. These can all help you to eliminate imposter syndrome, separate your feelings, and focus on the positive so you can feel inspired again! Without imposter syndrome giving you doubts, you'll be able to run a business that inspires others and helps them to change their lives through digital planning. 


What is it?

Perfectionism is the need to constantly appear perfect, even when it can be unrealistic. It can even lead to us believing that achieving perfection is possible. 

How can it affect us?

Perfectionism can be a struggle for online business owners because it can cause procrastination. This can be difficult for us digital planner owners because it can delay the release of new products and collections, making it difficult for us to build your dream businesses! Perfectionism can lead to anxiety and increase our stress - which is something we don't need any more of as business owners. You might be a perfectionist if... 

  • You put off tasks because you want to be able to accomplish them perfectly 

  • It takes you a long time to complete even simple tasks 

  • You avoid new things in case you're not as good as you hoped

  • You view the end product as more important than the process getting there

  • You put pressure on yourself and others to complete tasks successfully

What can we do?

Perfectionism is common in many entrepreneurs, but there are things you can do to use it to your advantage to even grow your business! Here are a few tips to help you overcome perfectionism: 

  • Learn to enjoy challenging situations 

    • There are lots that we can learn from the challenges we face. So instead of letting them paralyze us, we can act on them! To grow your business, you need to know what areas of your business could be improved the most. Use your perfectionism to identify how you can scale certain areas of your business. Now you can improve your business using your perfectionism and learn to enjoy the challenges you face because you know they'll result in improvements!

  • Start outsourcing 

    • Hire experts to handle parts of your business that take you a long time to complete or you find difficult to accomplish with your perfectionism. I love outsourcing because it helps me use my time wisely, avoid burnout, and connects me with other amazing business owners. You can learn more about everything I outsource in my digital planning business in this blog post.

  • Start tracking your time each day 

    • How long do tasks take you when you're focused? Write down how long tasks take you, then break down your calendar to allow only a certain amount of time for each task, and do that for the whole day. By giving yourself a time limit for each task, you'll be more motivated to get things done before your perfectionism kicks in!

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Scarcity Mindset 

What is it? 

A scarcity mindset is when you're always thinking that there is an end to something you're experiencing. This could be time, money, clients or customers, and even more. 

How can it affect us? 

When the scarcity mindset kicks in and we start to be concerned about making enough money, having enough time to finish our to-do list each day, or selling enough digital planners. Then, we'll take on any project despite how much it may affect us negatively. This can lead to burnout because you're overworking and pushing yourself too hard. An all-or-nothing attitude can hurt your business instead of helping it. 

What can we do?

To get rid of a scarcity mindset, you have to take on an abundance mindset! An abundance mindset focuses on the belief that there is enough for everyone, it's basically the opposite of a scarcity mindset. To cultivate this attitude, you can... 

  • Focus on what you have 

  • Lean on others for help

  • Take time to reflect 

The right mindset can help you grow your business and enjoy your role as a digital planner business owner. Successful business owners are a work in progress that is always learning. An entrepreneurial mindset and a positive attitude can help get you through tough times so you can continue to scale your business without feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. If you want more advice on how to deal with the struggles of entrepreneurship, head over to The Pink Ink Instagram for daily tips! 

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