Terms and Conditions for The Hub By The Pink Ink®

Welcome to The Hub membership By The Pink Ink®! Please review the following terms and conditions carefully before joining. By subscribing to our membership, you agree to abide by these terms.

Last updated: September 2024

1. Refund Policy

No Refunds: Due to the nature of our digital products and immediate access to valuable resources, all membership fees are non-refundable. Once you have subscribed, you will not be eligible for a refund, even if you choose to cancel your membership.

2. Cancellation Policy

  • How to Cancel: If you wish to cancel your membership, please fill out the Membership Cancellation Form located inside the membership hub. Please note that it takes 3-4 days to process your request, so be sure to reach out at least 5 business days before your next billing cycle. Upon cancellation, your access to membership content will remain active until the end of your current billing cycle.

  • PLR Conditions: Upon cancellation, you must remove all products and listings created with our PLR templates from your shop and stop offering any freebies or lead magnets using these templates. You will not be able to create new products or edit existing products using our PLR templates after your subscription ends.

  • Rejoining: If you decide to rejoin The Hub By The Pink Ink® later, please note that the price may have changed, and you will be subject to the current pricing at the time of rejoining.

3. PLR License Terms

  • Usage Rights: As a member, you are granted the right to use, sell, and rebrand the products as PDF, JPEG, or PNG files. However, you cannot sell or give away the native files in Canva, Affinity Publisher, Affinity Designer, or SVG format.

  • Freebie Restrictions: You may gift up to 3 products as lead magnets or freebies. This is limited to 3 products per membership holder. All products must be used ethically and within the guidelines provided. Violations may result in the removal of access to the products.

4. Fair Use Policy

  • Product Pricing: We require that all products created using our PLR templates be priced fairly and within market value. Underpricing or "low-balling" products can harm the overall market and devalue the products for other members.

  • Bundling: Avoid bundling significant volumes of products (over 5) and selling them at prices well below market value.

  • Displaying Products: Ensure that products are displayed in a manner that maintains their value and integrity. Unethical use or pricing of the products may result in the termination of your membership and access to our resources.

5. Membership Upgrades

  • Upgrade Options: The Hub By The Pink Ink® offers various upgrade options, including:

    • Yearly Plan: Switch to a yearly subscription to save on monthly fees and enjoy uninterrupted access.

    • Client Add-On: Add clients to your membership, giving them access to certain resources under your account.

    • Team Plan Upgrade: Upgrade to a team plan to allow multiple team members to access the membership resources under one account.

  • Upgrade Process: If you choose to upgrade, your billing will be adjusted accordingly, and you will be granted immediate access to the upgraded membership features.

6. Membership Pause Policy

Pausing Your Membership: Each member is allowed to pause their membership for 1 month, one time. To pause your membership, please fill out the Membership Pause Request Form. Pausing your membership allows you to temporarily stop your subscription and automatically resume it later without losing your place or current rate. Please note that pausing your membership is subject to certain terms and conditions and evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

Ownership: All content, products, and resources provided within The Hub By The Pink Ink® are the intellectual property of the membership provider. You are granted a limited, non-exclusive license to use these resources as outlined in the PLR License Terms.

8. Modifications to Terms

Changes to Terms: We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Members will be notified of any significant changes, and continued use of the membership after changes indicates acceptance of the new terms.

By joining The Hub By The Pink Ink®, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support team [ support@the-pinkink.com ] for assistance.