My top 5 reasons to use a Digital Planner for the iPad

If you’re new to The Pink Ink community, or even Digital Planners in general, then you probably don’t know why Digital Planners will rock your world. That’s why I’ve decided to put together my top 5 reasons to introduce Digital Planning to your life today! Be inspired with digital planner ideas and how to use digital planners + organizational tools. 

If you’re new to The Pink Ink community, or even Digital Planners in general, then you probably don’t know why Digital Planners will rock your world. That’s why I’ve decided to put together my top 5 reasons to introduce Digital Planning to your life today!

1. Make it your own! 

There’s literally no stopping you when it comes to making a Digital Planner your own - they’re easily customizable! You can add stickers, pages, and pictures to truly make it your own! And if that’s not enough for you, I can teach you how to create your very own digital planner with an easy to use online course! Whether you choose a template or create a planner from scratch, you’ll always have the perfect planner right there with you. The sky is the limit!

2. They’re always with you!

I am literally NEVER without my digital planners. I mostly use my iPad to digitally plan, but they’re compatible with your phone, too! And let’s be real here girls, are you ever without one of the two devices?! Nope, I didn’t think so. My number one reason to switch to digital planners has to be the benefits of their portability!

No more carrying around (and even losing) your planners and notebooks for a million different projects or aspects of your life - just keep them all together on your phone or iPad. No extra weight or things to remember, just extra room in your handbag for those things that really matter!

3. Pretty in pink 

How many times have you felt heartbroken when you make a mistake in your brand new planner and have to scribble it out?! Yeah, that was me too, until I found the Digital Planner. They’re super easy to keep neat and tidy as you’re able to delete mistakes, resize text and draw perfectly straight lines… bonus! Plus, the feeling of opening your planner to see beautifully neat organization will never get old!

4. Let’s be gentle on the environment

Another benefit of the Digital Planner is that they are way less wasteful compared to the traditional paper planner. This is a super easy adjustment to your daily life that can have a huge impact on our environment. Imagine if we never had to cut down another tree to make notebooks and planners ever again? Wow. 

There are undated planers templates available on The Pink Ink Shop that you can use over and over again! And with the digital notebooks, you won’t need to toss them in the bin when they’re full!

5. Save those $s

Digital Planning can easily be the most cost-effective way to organize your life and business. In a day where popular paper planners and notebooks can cost in excess of $50, a reusable digital notebook costing between $8 and $10 with unlimited use. That’s right, one digital notebook can be reused unlimited times. Running out paper? That’s not a problem too. Duplicate any paper style as many as you need - No need to stock up ;)

Digital planners on the hand can cost between $12 and $35. If you choose the undated planner route it will be your last $$ spent on a planner! The only problem with a digital planner is finding the one that fits your lifestyle. Lucky for you, The Pink Ink Shop has versatile collections to choose from! see for yourself here.

Your Turn!

What’s stopping you to switch to digital planning?


How To Use Stickers in Your Digital Planner


Digital Planner 101: how to use your digital planner for the iPad